Friday, March 30, 2012
Issues Paper Review
I wanted to use all the formatting tools on the toolbar, so that's why the text looks like this. For the Issues Paper I enjoyed writing the paper and I was surprised with the research I was able to find. The library helped quite a bit as I was able to locate sources that were hidden to me previously. I learned different aspects of writing that I was able to incorporate into my paper. This really was a culmination of what we have learned throughout the year. I also like picking my topic and doing what I felt was appropriate with it.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Issues Layout
Intro: I introduce that great athletes have a good mindset, work hard and are highly motivated which combines with their athleticism to make them good in their sport. I give the example of Lance Armstrong and continue to develop my stance.
Statement of Fact: I state my thesis that athletes have those three assets including their athleticism to make them great.
Reasoning: I give examples of players today who posses the qualities I talked about and give other evidence to why my claim is right. I give my own opinion as well.
Conclusion: I wrap up my argument and state my paper in simpler terms.
Here is a clip of Peyton Manning who is a prime example of what I'm talking about. He's also a great actor.
Statement of Fact: I state my thesis that athletes have those three assets including their athleticism to make them great.
Reasoning: I give examples of players today who posses the qualities I talked about and give other evidence to why my claim is right. I give my own opinion as well.
Conclusion: I wrap up my argument and state my paper in simpler terms.
Here is a clip of Peyton Manning who is a prime example of what I'm talking about. He's also a great actor.
Friday, March 16, 2012
With Mckenna
I came home for the weekend and I'm spending time with my little sister Mckenna. She is so funny and I'm glad I get to see her so often. We were thinking of seeing The Lorax tonight, but we'll see what happens. That's about all I feel like posting besides that we are also hanging out with my dog named Boomer.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Library Research
I went to the Library Research Center and it was a lot of help to me. I had recently changed my topic and I didn't know exactly what to do to find stuff. I had looked for some backing to my topic and I wasn't finding any and when i went to the library they were able to point me in the right direction. One of the students the students that was helping others was able to point me to a librarian who specialized in my topic and she helped me find some sources. For my rough draft I plan on talking about how the mentality of athletes is what separates the all-stars from the rest of the pros. I am then going to relate that to Lance Armstrong and why he did so well.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Background Sources
1. Opposing Viewpoints. Preface to "Steroids in Sports".
Author: Dave Sheinin
Audience: Those interested in steroids affecting Mark McGwire and Rafael Palmeiro
Issue: How steroids affected Mark McGwire, Rafael Palmeiro and baseball in general
2. Gale Virtual Reference. "Doping and Performance Enhancement: A New Definition"
Author: Eduardo Henrique De Rose and Marco Michelucci
Audience: Those interested in effects of steroids in sports.
Issue: Effects of steroids
3. Google. Professional Athlete Job Description.
Audience: Those interested in professional athlete descriptions
Issue: Who pro athletes are what they do
4. Google Scholar. Steroid and Nutritional Supplement Use in Professional Athletes
Author: Robert B. Millman M.D., Emil J. Ross B.A.
Audience: Those interested in steroid use
Issue: steroid use in sports
Author: Dave Sheinin
Audience: Those interested in steroids affecting Mark McGwire and Rafael Palmeiro
Issue: How steroids affected Mark McGwire, Rafael Palmeiro and baseball in general
2. Gale Virtual Reference. "Doping and Performance Enhancement: A New Definition"
Author: Eduardo Henrique De Rose and Marco Michelucci
Audience: Those interested in effects of steroids in sports.
Issue: Effects of steroids
3. Google. Professional Athlete Job Description.
Audience: Those interested in professional athlete descriptions
Issue: Who pro athletes are what they do
4. Google Scholar. Steroid and Nutritional Supplement Use in Professional Athletes
Author: Robert B. Millman M.D., Emil J. Ross B.A.
Audience: Those interested in steroid use
Issue: steroid use in sports
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Issues thesis
Although all professional athletes have a certain level of athleticism, what separates the stars from the rest of the pack is the mindset they have which becomes evident on the field.
Monday, February 27, 2012
1. The egos and self-conscious tendencies of people.
- Can a person overcome their self-conscious self and become confident?
-What makes someone develop a big ego?
2. Major league stars.
- Are major league stars more athletic or do is it something else that pushes them to be the best?
- Can scouts ever completely predict whether someone will be a success in the majors?
3. People.
- Can people change their personalities?
- In the end, what purpose do people believe they have on this earth?
- Can a person overcome their self-conscious self and become confident?
-What makes someone develop a big ego?
2. Major league stars.
- Are major league stars more athletic or do is it something else that pushes them to be the best?
- Can scouts ever completely predict whether someone will be a success in the majors?
3. People.
- Can people change their personalities?
- In the end, what purpose do people believe they have on this earth?
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Totally Pumped
I just finished reading a book called Act of Valor. It was recently made into an R rated movie so the best i could was read the book. The trailer for the movie looked so sick that I needed to read the book. At the end of the book I was pumped and ready to take on the world. I then went on to and looked up a favorite motivational video of mine titled MOTIVATION- "Be Great, Powerful Beyond Measure" -Best Inspirational Video Ever [Original]. After finishing Act of Valor and watching this cool video I was ready for whatever came my way. Too bad all i had on my plate was homework
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Peaceful vacations presented through excellent rhetoric.....I'm convinced!
Everyone loves a good vacation. A sunny day on a serene beach with the warm sand around you and the waves crashing in the background is often an ideal setting for the typical vacationer. This environment is hard to find when you expect to find solitude among the rolling surf. Since these vacation spots are so popular, one often finds themselves in the middle of an unexpected whiffle ball game or being bludgeoned by a passing dog. To escape the discord and pandemonium one has to look for alternative spots or times to vacation. In an article by Cheri Lucas titled “Off-Season Hotspots” she adequately describes spots in northern California that are perfect for the introverted traveler. According to her, there are busy spots like Yosemite Valley and Redwood National Park that remain well visited in the spring, summer and autumn months. When winter hits however, Lucas claims that these spots become deserted and one can find themselves alone with the sites and trails. With the crowds gone and a good companion by your side, these sites can become your paradise. In Lucas’ article she effectively convinces seclusion seeking travelers to take unprecedented trips through her use of examples, personal experience and useful contact information which allows the reader to visualize and then commence on his or her journey.
Lucas does a good job of peaking the reader’s interest when she presents examples. In her article she gives good evidence that certain off-season spots are the place to be. In her description of the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk she says “The kitschy, old-school beach boardwalk in sleepy Santa Cruz remains a family favorite destination, and rides, the arcade, and bowling lanes are open on the weekend.” This detailed description of a place that some might find trivial allows the reader to picture the serene setting. Alone on the boardwalk, travelers would be able to get the vacation they wanted. The peace and quiet that the boardwalk provides is an instant selling point for the reader and convinces them that this is the place for them to be.
She tells of other real places like Yosemite and Redwood to convince the reader of vacations they would like to have much more than vague descriptions would. To remind the reader of the aversion they have toward crowds she speaks of Yosemite Valley by saying “you must share the trails, the creeks, the meadows, and the views with everyone else.” This description makes travelers seek solitude even more than before and Lucas follows that comment up with an appeal to the reader by stating “Come in the winter, however, and you will experience the vast, desolate wilderness that Ansel Adams captured in his shots.” Lucas effectively gains the reader’s trust and compliancy by providing this intricate example. The reader is then also able to get excited and prepare to visit a real place and enjoy a break. By providing specific examples she allows the reader to see in their mind what that certain spot would look like. The examples are accompanied by pictures which also help to capture the reader’s attention. Vacationers who desire to be alone and rejuvenate while on their vacation will be assured of the peace the boardwalk brings from Lucas’ well worded rhetoric.
Through the use of personal experience Lucas also helps her argument relate to the common man. Much of her paper is focused on personal experience and readers are able to feel that emotion coming through. While she is telling the reader about Redwood National Park she includes her own experience by saying “The trailhead may be hard to find, but the misty trek down the narrow path to the 10-foot falls is worth it.” Her inclusion of her experience helps travelers visualize the falls and Redwood National Park. The details she provides are appreciated and a good break from computer printouts. She goes on to describe the “open spaces” and “lovely… winter days” that frequent these vacation spots. Her detailed description helps travelers also know that the place Lucas talks about is real and they can have the same experience she had. She makes it sound as though she has been to the places she mentions and has spent significant time there. Not only has she been there, but she knows when the best time to visit is, which gives her authority and adds to her credibility. Her wisdom as a traveler is taken into account and the reader can thoroughly rely on her insight.
The final aspect that makes this piece convincing is the addition of contact information. While a description of a great vacation sight is nice, a way to get in touch with that place is even better. Lucas tells you about real places you should visit and then lets you know how to do that. She gives numbers of attractions at Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk and also how to reserve a camping spot on Angel Island. This specific information is relevant to the reader and puts them in the driver’s seat. They are not only called to action, but are given the tools to help them build their vacation. This addition by her was a selling point for the reader and helped convince them to go on one of her vacations. By allowing the reader to secure a vacation spot while he or she read the article, she made that process quick and easy. This final inclusion in her opinion editorial seals the deal and gives the reader what they need to succeed.
Through the use of different rhetorical strategies Lucas was able to convince the reader to go on off-season vacations to northern California. She presented good evidence and backed that evidence up with personal experience and a way to get in touch with the sites. This relevant information guided the reader to choose from a previously set list of vacations. Her specificity to detail gave credibility to what she said and was a contributing factor to her well thought out paper. She also did a good job of capturing the reader’s attention with the promise of a secluded vacation which draws them in for the remainder of the paper. The reader’s keen interest on being alone while on vacation kept them reading and allowed Lucas to provide intimate details of certain sites. These details were backed by personal knowledge and related this piece to the common traveler. Her rhetorical strategies were successful as they provided all that was required by the reader to become fully convinced of her point.
Friday, February 24, 2012
RA Reflection
With the RA assignment I liked how we were given certain guidelines for how to write our paper. Sometimes it's refreshing to be told what to do. I may be the only one who thinks this, but I was happy for this assignment. All the other things we did seemed the same with our Op-Eds except for the review process. As I said in an earlier post if we combined the two types of reviews we did together then we would have the perfect review process. Other than that it was all good. Thanks Senor Christopher
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Best of Both
I think both of the reviews helped, but they both could have been better. With the Op-Ed we were given a specific amount of time during on class period to read one person's paper. This was good because we could focus on one person, but our time restraints hurt us. Seeing that we only saw the paper we graded for about ten minutes, we weren't able to get into the details of the corrections we thought it needed. On the other hand, with the RA reviews we were able to take them home and review them with a little more time. This was good because we were able to generate more meaningful thoughts, but the fact that we had multiple papers to grade hurt the feedback. During class when we shared our corrections there wasn't much time to go into detail with what we wanted to tell the writer. Also because we had three papers to review the analysis wasn't as sufficient as it could have been. If we combine the good from both of these processes and have one paper that we take home and grade and then talk about it in class, I think the review sessions will go much better. We would have the best of both worlds.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Kung Fu Panda is one of the greatest movies of all time because the director did a wonderful job of casting the perfect panda, Jack Black. The director knew that this casting would provide the humor and the credibility Po the panda needed. Po is a fat panda and no one would expect him, or Jack Black, to be a Kung Fu warrior. Because the viewer wouldn't expect this, the movie becomes totally awesome when Po does become a Kung Fu warrior. He accomplishes it by being himself and that makes it believable. Kung Fu Panda is a great movie and one to watch if you haven't already. Skadoosh!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Figurative Language
Lucas uses a couple different types of figurative language, the first one being diction. She describes vacation spots in a way that would make a traveler want to visit. In talking about good off-season vacation spots she says " Don’t forget, though, that winter is an ideal time to explore places sans crowds—to seek solitude, to enjoy the silence. You can often claim an entire beach or hiking trail to yourself, all day long." In this way she relates to her audience; the solitude-seeking traveler.
Another use of figurative language is her imagery. She describes the different sites in an appealing way and makes those sights visible to the reader. An example of this would be "If you’ve explored Yosemite Valley during the summer, you know you must share the trails, the creeks, the meadows, and the views with everyone else. Come in the winter, however, and you will experience the vast, desolate wilderness that Ansel Adams captured in his shots." She does a good job of making these sights visible to the reader.
Friday, February 10, 2012
RA Thesis
'Violence and the Inner City Code" is an ineffective argument to convince readers of the dangers of bad neighborhoods because it doesn't provide enough evidence or detail concerning "The Code" and it lacks alternative rhetoric such as videos or pictures which diminishes their argument.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Rhetorical Situation
Audience: Those unfamiliar with inner city violence
Issue: code of conduct of inner city residents and the violence that follows
Author: Contributed by Josh from MLB Blog
Audience: Baseball fans who are aware that Barry Bonds wants to come back and play, but nobody wants him because he did steroids.
Issue: Why can't he play when others like Alex Rodriguez are still playing and have used steroids
Author: Cheri Lucas from
Audience: vacationers looking for vacation spots that aren't always visited.
Issue: Trips to certain places in California during the vacation off-season can be well worth it
Audience: Those unfamiliar with inner city violence
Issue: code of conduct of inner city residents and the violence that follows
Author: Contributed by Josh from MLB Blog
Audience: Baseball fans who are aware that Barry Bonds wants to come back and play, but nobody wants him because he did steroids.
Issue: Why can't he play when others like Alex Rodriguez are still playing and have used steroids
Author: Cheri Lucas from
Audience: vacationers looking for vacation spots that aren't always visited.
Issue: Trips to certain places in California during the vacation off-season can be well worth it
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Reflections, My Friends
The Op-Ed process was a new one to me because I have never written one before. I was definitely thrilled I was able to pick my own topic and do with it whatever I wanted. The peer reviews were the most beneficial to me because they allowed me to see what I was doing wrong and how I could improve my writing. My roommate read my paper and convinced me over time that it needed to be more persuasive and definitive on what I was talking about. This helped my writing and the and end product was better than before. I also enjoyed how we put this assignment on our blogs. With the use of pictures and video I think i enhanced my argument and made my topic, St Louis, more appealing to the readers. Overall the Opinion Editorial went well for me and I enjoyed writing this piece.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Heartland, U.S.A.
The city of St. Louis is the heartland of America and a must see for your next vacation. Obvious sites include the world famous Arch and the recent world champion Cardinals. While these tourist attractions could keep you entertained for hours, the people truly make St. Louis thrive. A warm greeting and a pat on the back await you and any visitor who happens upon this pleasant place and the sense of brotherhood that resides is infectious. Adding to the enjoyment, St Louis boasts moderate weather that brings you outside and helps set the pleasant mood in this serene environment. St. Louis, Missouri captures your attention and becomes your paradise through its fun atmosphere, great location and numerous attractions. Hands down, St Louis is the best city in the United States and the city to visit on your upcoming summer vacation.
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Busch Stadium |
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St Louis Arch |
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Downtown St Louis |
St Louis is one of the best cities in the United States. The color and character it has make it impossible not to become absorbed in the excitement. The city gives you a chance to experience old and new St Louis and other great attractions. St Louis is at the heart of America and it represents what every American dreams of, peace and kinship with their neighbor. I invite you if you haven't yet, to come to St Louis and immerse yourself in all it has to offer. As an outsider who has come to love it just as much as those who still live there, I can say that St Louis will capture your heart and attention and leave you grateful you visited.
Friday, January 27, 2012
This video always gets my spirits back up and gives me the lift I need when I'm having a bad day. I thought I would share it with you guys just in case you were having a bad day.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Logos, Pathos, Ethos
Ethos: I establish my authority by the fact that I lived in St Louis and have more knowledge about it than those who didn't. I cite specific examples and give detailed descriptions of what is available in the city. The voice I use could be described as brochure-like and that alone could convince people that I have credibility.
Pathos: The emotion I appeal to is mostly comfort, having fun, and a family friendly atmosphere. I use words like care, preserve, love, luxury, home and others to provide a relaxing feel to the paper. My personal connections to the city help me describe it better and that enables me to convince people to visit St Louis. I think my passion for the city is evident and when reading this piece one appreciates that and wants to hear more.
Logos: The logic I appeal to is that people like to have a good time and so they should come to St Louis. I give good evidence that the city is fun and exciting and I allow readers to have a visual of what I'm talking about with how I describe what's there. I use the claims, reasons and assumptions technique to tell people that if they want to enjoy themselves they can come to St Louis and participate in the many attractions they offer. I think my use of writing to people who want o have fun makes the city inviting to them and they would want to visit.
Pathos: The emotion I appeal to is mostly comfort, having fun, and a family friendly atmosphere. I use words like care, preserve, love, luxury, home and others to provide a relaxing feel to the paper. My personal connections to the city help me describe it better and that enables me to convince people to visit St Louis. I think my passion for the city is evident and when reading this piece one appreciates that and wants to hear more.
Logos: The logic I appeal to is that people like to have a good time and so they should come to St Louis. I give good evidence that the city is fun and exciting and I allow readers to have a visual of what I'm talking about with how I describe what's there. I use the claims, reasons and assumptions technique to tell people that if they want to enjoy themselves they can come to St Louis and participate in the many attractions they offer. I think my use of writing to people who want o have fun makes the city inviting to them and they would want to visit.
Friday, January 20, 2012
My claims, reasons and assumptions. So cool
Claim: St Louis is one of the greatest cities in the U.S.
Reasons: The Arch, the Cardinals, nice people, fun atmosphere, entertaining, safe, nice scenery.
Assumptions: People like to have fun, be entertained, and be in a good environment.
Reasons: The Arch, the Cardinals, nice people, fun atmosphere, entertaining, safe, nice scenery.
Assumptions: People like to have fun, be entertained, and be in a good environment.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
St Louis, A great city. Op-ed thesis
Among the many exciting cities to visit in the U.S., St. Louis, Missouri captures ones attention and becomes a vacationer's paradise through its fun atmosphere, great location and numerous attractions.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
OpEd topic brainstorm
- Conflicts
- War, hunger, politics, presidential election, decaying society
- problems with those things or some of the good that comes from those things
- what government has done to help or hinder those topics
- how I have been affected
- what my thoughts are
- what my solution is
- why I care about these topics
- Can these problems be fixed
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Class Intro
My name is Tanner Banks and I live in Tooele, Utah. I was born in Oklahoma though, so I like to say that I'm from there. I like to play sports and I did about every available one in high school. I tore my ACL twice while in high school and so I had to miss a few seasons of sports. When I was in seventh grade I had cancer. I underwent surgery, chemotherapy and radiation and I'm healthy now. I have had a few health scares and so I thought I might want to give back by becoming a doctor. I have done some things to get involved in that field and I realized it's not for me. I want to give back in other ways and so I also look for ways I can serve.
I love my family and I really enjoy spending time with them. I have four siblings and one is on a mission. I'm the second oldest in my family and I like to help out my younger siblings. I am also happy to be at BYU and get involved in all it has to offer.
I love my family and I really enjoy spending time with them. I have four siblings and one is on a mission. I'm the second oldest in my family and I like to help out my younger siblings. I am also happy to be at BYU and get involved in all it has to offer.
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